These exploits required an attacker persuading you to run a malicious script or macro on your system, with Administrator rights.

The second effectively removed all Panda's protective layers, enabling malware to do whatever it liked. One attack successfully disabled part of Panda's real-time file scanning system, allowing us to download malicious files without detection. Testing Panda's self-protection revealed a couple of vulnerabilities. Malware sometimes attempts to disable an antivirus before launching a full infection attempt, so it's important any security app can defend itself. (Image credit: Panda Security) Self-protection It's not perfect - too many buttons just open a browser tab, rather than do anything locally - but we found it reasonably easy to use. Functions are grouped into ten buttons (Scan, VPN, Support and so on) hovering your mouse cursor over a button displays a caption, reminding you what it does clicking a button takes you to that area, where a Back button returns you to the main dashboard when you're done. (We checked Panda's Support site to find out what 'Show Panda News' was supposed to do, but couldn't find it mentioned anywhere. We found a 'Show Panda News' switch in Settings, and turned off, hoping this would help but no, it didn't make any difference at all. There's another small annoyance in a regularly updated banner at the bottom of the dashboard, with links to various blog posts on the Panda site. You must scroll down to access everything. The app has two rows of buttons for various functions, but Panda leaves so much free space to the photo, that the second row of buttons is out of view. This looks good, but creates an immediate usability issue. Once again, though, it’s comfortably ahead of Windows Defender, so if you’re looking for a straightforward virus scanner that won’t nag you or fill your computer with unwanted bloat, Panda makes a very tempting option.Panda's interface stands out immediately for its desktop-style wallpaper background. Lastly, note that Panda isn’t the fastest security tool out there, receiving a not-quite-stellar 92.2% performance rating in our tests. Panda Free Antivirus (2020) review: Verdict The software also pops up occasional adverts to let you know what splendid value Panda’s paid-for security products are – but we’re happy to report that these can easily be silenced by unflicking a switch in the settings.

It’s easy to remove this – or if you’re sharp-eyed you can untick the box during the installation process – but the very idea of sneaking an extension into your browser feels inappropriate from a security provider. One grey mark against Panda Free Antivirus is that, by default, it installs a browser plugin called Smart Shopping, which highlights online deals while you’re surfing. Bitdefender Internet Security 2020 review: The best antivirus security suite around